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Can You Sculpt Your Body Without Surgery?

With the many advanced cosmetic enhancement techniques available today, many individuals can recontour their body without the need for major surgery. Here at Luxxery Boutique, we offer CoolSculpting®, which is a completely non-surgical procedure, and BodyTite, which is only minimally invasive. Let’s explore what these treatments can do and how they are capable of helping patients achieve enhanced body contours: 

CoolSculpting® for Excess Fat Reduction 

While liposuction is the standard surgical option for removal of isolated (and stubborn) excess fat in certain body areas, CoolSculpting® can serve as a non-surgical alternative for ideal candidates. CoolSculpting® utilizes a method of controlled cooling to essentially “freeze” targeted fat cells and help break them down. The fat cells are then metabolized and gradually expelled from the body over time via natural processes. Ultimately, CoolSculpting® can help many individuals achieve new contours without requiring surgical incisions (or even needles), and there is typically little to no downtime necessary. 

BodyTite for Tightening and Firming Excess Skin 

BodyTite is another state-of-the procedure that can help sculpt targeted areas of the body. Although BodyTite requires the insertion of a probe through small incisions made in the skin, as well as an external probe applied to the surface layers, it is considered minimally-invasive and does not typically require general anesthesia during treatment. BodyTite utilizes radiofrequency-assisted lipolysis, or RFAL, techniques to “melt” subcutaneous fat cells and help the tissue contract and tighten. This can enhance contour by reducing excess fat while simultaneously giving areas of loose skin a firmer look and feel. BodyTite is often used in combination with liposuction for the best possible results; however, it can also be performed on its own for ideal candidates who have mild to moderate degrees of skin laxity in specific body areas. 

CoolSculpting® and BodyTite are both capable of sculpting areas of the body, but it is important to note that they have distinctions in terms of the particular concerns they are designed to address. During an initial consultation at Luxxery Boutique, our provider can talk with you about your concerns and help you determine whether CoolSculpting®, BodyTite, or another procedure offers the best way to achieve your body contouring goals with exceptional results. 

For more information, or to schedule a consultation, please contact Luxxery Boutique today.