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Thigh Lift

Thigh lift surgery (thighplasty) can help many individuals who are dissatisfied with the appearance of their thighs by removing excess or loose skin and eliminating fat pockets to shape the area for a tighter, slimmer look. Certain areas of the body can be extremely difficult to aesthetically improve with diet and exercise alone, especially the upper thighs. There are a variety of factors that can contribute to skin inelasticity and stubborn fat accumulation, such as the natural aging process, hereditary traits, and major weight loss. Our board-certified plastic surgeon in Waldorf, Dr. Ayman R. Hakki, is extensively skilled in this type of body recontouring procedure and is capable of producing beautifully sculpted, natural-looking results.

Quick Facts About a Thigh Lift:

  • Candidacy: Individuals who are in good overall health and are experiencing loose skin and excess fat in the thigh area
  • Potential Benefits: Firmer skin and a more sculpted and recontoured appearance in the thighs
  • Procedure Details: General anesthesia is necessary; some individuals may require an overnight stay
  • Surgery Time Frame: Approximately two hours, depending on the patient’s unique needs
  • Cost: Approximately $10,000 – $12,000

Am I a Candidate for a Thigh Lift?

Individuals who are in overall good health without certain existing medical conditions may be ideal candidates for thigh lift surgery, as general wellness can make a big difference during the recovery process. Other factors that lend good candidacy for a thigh lift include:

  • Excess fat in the thigh area
  • Loose skin in the upper thighs
  • Drooping skin from significant weight loss
  • Disproportionate balance of the thighs
  • At/near a stable or goal weight
  • Realistic expectations of surgical results

During a personal consultation, Dr. Hakki can evaluate your concerns and make recommendations for a custom-tailored treatment plan.

What Does the Thigh Lift Procedure Involve?

Thigh lift surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia and may require an overnight stay, depending on the particulars of the case. For patients who are primarily concerned with excess or loose skin, techniques for sculpting and contouring will be employed. Usually, for minimal corrections, Dr. Hakki is able to place incisions within the natural creases of the groin; however, larger/more complex areas may require a longer, vertical incision/scar along the medial thigh to the knee. Additionally, if the patient has issues with excessive skin and abundant fat pockets, it may require combining a liposuction procedure for the most successful outcome.

What Can I Expect During Thigh Lift Recovery?

It is normal to experience some degree of bruising, swelling, and incision drainage following thigh lift surgery. For these reasons, wearing a surgical wrap and/or compression garment is very important for the healing and recovery process, as well as for supporting the new shape of the thighs. While adequate rest is encouraged, it is equally important to try standing and light walking as soon as possible to promote blood flow and to avoid blood clots. Generally, patients are able to return to some types of work within a week; however, strenuous activities should be avoided for several weeks. Dr. Hakki will discuss a recovery plan based on your unique rate of healing. It is important to follow all post-procedure instructions for a smooth recovery.

How Much Does a Thigh Lift Cost?

At Luxxery Boutique, the estimated cost for a thigh lift typically ranges from approximately $10,000 – $12,000. The exact cost will be determined by the surgical techniques utilized (such as the inclusion of liposuction), the extent of treatment necessary, the amount of skin and/or fat removed, and factors such as the surgeon’s fee, anesthesia, use of the surgical facility, follow-up care, and others. Once the treatment plan has been developed during the initial consultation, a more personalized pricing estimate can be established and a member of our team will be available to review payment and financing options. 

To learn more about thigh lift surgery at Luxxery Boutique, or to schedule a consultation, contact us today.