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Mommy Makeover

Over time, the physical changes women may experience after pregnancy, childbirth, and motherhood can lead to a desire for a more youthful, rejuvenated appearance. While some women may be able to resolve certain concerns with a healthy diet, exercise, and skincare routine, not every individual can achieve their goals through these traditional methods. Our board-certified plastic surgeon in Waldorf, Dr. Ayman R. Hakki, offers a Mommy Makeover procedure that is designed to combine the aesthetic options often requested by mothers into a comprehensive treatment plan.

Quick Facts About a Mommy Makeover:

  • Candidacy: In good general health; no longer breastfeeding; fully healed after childbirth; and family planning is complete
  • Potential Benefits: Enhanced body contours; restored breast volume, shape, and/or firmness and projection; and youthful facial rejuvenation
  • Procedure: Combination of two or more aesthetic procedures for the breasts, body, and/or face for more comprehensive renewal
  • Surgery: In most cases, the procedure is performed as an outpatient under general anesthesia
  • Cost: Varies per patient; can cost up to $20,000 or more*

Am I a Candidate for a Mommy Makeover?

Ideal candidates for a Mommy Makeover should be completely recovered and healed from childbirth, no longer breastfeeding, and in good overall health without certain existing medical conditions. To ensure you are a good candidate, our plastic surgeon will evaluate your health during an initial consultation and review your aesthetic concerns. Common conditions that can be addressed in a Mommy Makeover include:

  • Sagging or “drooping” breasts
  • Volume loss in breasts
  • Excess skin and/or loose skin and muscles in the abdominal region
  • Stubborn fat deposits in the abdomen, hips, thighs, arms, or other body areas
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Loose, inelastic skin in various areas

Additionally, Dr. Hakki usually recommends waiting until your family plans are complete to undergo a Mommy Makeover in order to uphold the outcomes of the original procedures for as long as possible.

What Treatments Can Be Part of a Mommy Makeover?

Dr. Hakki and the team at Luxxery Boutique offer a full range of aesthetic procedures that can help renew and restore the areas most affected by pregnancy, childbirth, and motherhood. A Mommy Makeover can often be performed in a single day or staged over a series of appointments. The procedure is typically performed on an outpatient basis, and general anesthesia is usually required.

Some of the treatments commonly chosen for a Mommy Makeover include:

Breast Augmentation
Adds volume to the breasts and refines their shape either with breast implants, natural fat transfer, or both options.

Breast Lift
Improves the appearance of sagging breasts by tightening the skin and giving the breasts a more youthful projection.

Breast Reduction
Removes excess tissue and/or fat from the breasts to reduce their size and improve proportion to the body.

Tummy Tuck
Tightens and repairs loose abdominal muscles and eliminates excess skin in the abdomen, redraping the remaining skin for firmer, “flatter” results.

Mini Tummy Tuck
Removes excess skin and fat pockets and improves contours in the lower abdomen, mainly below the belly button.

Diminishes excess fat and creates enhanced contours in the abdomen, hips, buttocks, thighs, arms, back, breasts, or other areas.

Surgical Facial Rejuvenation
Options include treatments that can reduce signs of aging and fatigue in the face and neck, recontour facial features, and provide a more youthful and rested appearance.

Non-Surgical Treatments / Injectable Facial Rejuvenation
Reduces signs of facial wrinkles and creases, plumps lips, adds volume to certain facial features, gives skin a healthier glow, and addresses a variety of common concerns to create a more youthful appearance.

When Is the Best Time for a Mommy Makeover?

Although the right timing may depend on individual circumstances, most surgeons generally recommend waiting at least six months after childbirth to undergo a Mommy Makeover. Typically, this allows adequate time for the body to heal and recover, changes to the abdomen and breasts from pregnancy and breastfeeding to settle, and a sufficient timespan to process realistic expectations. Additionally, Dr. Hakki suggests holding off on certain procedures that are commonly included in a Mommy Makeover until it is certain that family plans are complete, as having more children and continued breastfeeding may alter the positive results of the cosmetic enhancements. It is also best to achieve a stable and maintainable weight prior to a Mommy Makeover, as significant weight fluctuations may have compromising effects on the surgical outcome as well.

How to Prepare for Mommy Makeover Surgery

Since a Mommy Makeover treatment plan involves more than one procedure, it is important to plan ahead for treatment and recovery needs. Generally, patients should plan to be unable to drive (for several days), lift heavy objects, and engage in strenuous activities during the recovery process. Below is a guideline to help Mommy Makeover patients prepare for surgery:

  • Complete pre-operative testing, as directed
  • Fill prescriptions and medications
  • Stop taking blood-thinning and anti-inflammatory drugs (aspirin and certain herbal supplements)
  • Avoid smoking at least six weeks before surgery
  • Take care of errands and grocery shopping, including nutritious foods that promote healing
  • Create a comfortable recovery space with plenty of pillows and support, as well as books and movies to encourage relaxation
  • Ask a family member or friend for transportation to and from surgery
  • Arrange for help with childcare and pets, especially during the first few days of recovery

Our team will provide detailed pre-operative and post-operative instructions, along with answering any questions you may have, to help facilitate a safe, smooth recovery.

What Can I Expect During Mommy Makeover Recovery?

Generally, patients can expect some degree of swelling, bruising, and tenderness in the treatment areas immediately following surgery; however, the exact recovery details from a Mommy Makeover will largely depend on the individual procedures included in a patient’s customized treatment plan and their unique rate of healing. For surgery that affects the tissue, such as a tummy tuck, breast lift, or breast reduction, the average recovery time tends to be longer as opposed to liposuction or a breast augmentation with implants. Dr. Hakki will be able to provide more information during your consultation and estimate time frames for full rest, returning to work, resuming strenuous activities or exercise, avoiding heavy lifting over 10 pounds, and other factors. Most importantly, patients should attend all follow-up appointments and carefully observe all post-surgery and aftercare instructions to aid in the most successful recovery possible.

Are Mommy Makeover Scars Visible?

Visible scarring after Mommy Makeover surgery can vary for each patient, depending on the procedures included in the customized treatment plan. Dr. Hakki takes great care to use advanced surgical techniques to minimize scarring and, when possible, place incisions in discreet, well-hidden locations in the natural creases of the body or those that can be easily concealed by undergarments and swimwear. 

For example, liposuction incisions are typically very small and often result in hardly noticeable scars once fully healed. Incisions for breast augmentation are usually placed on the outer edge of the areola or within the breast fold where scars are masked when wearing bras or bikini tops. Similarly, the incisions required for tummy tuck surgery tend to be located horizontally right above the pubic area in the lower abdomen—generally covered by underwear and swimsuits or bikini bottoms. 

At first, scars may appear raised with a reddish tint, which should flatten and gradually lighten in color over time. Depending on the procedure, some scars may take up to one year to fully settle. Once completely healed, Dr. Hakki can discuss non-invasive laser technology options that may be able to diminish the appearance of scars.

How Much Does a Mommy Makeover Cost?

As of November 2022, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons estimates that a Mommy Makeover can cost up to $20,000, or more in some cases.* Since the procedure is customized based on the included number and type of treatments and a variety of other factors, the total cost varies for each patient. At Luxxery Boutique, the estimated total price of treatment will be calculated and discussed in detail prior to surgery. Rest assured, our practice accepts a number of convenient payment methods and works with several reliable healthcare lending companies that can assist qualified applicants with financing and payment options for various budgetary needs.

To learn more about Mommy Makeover treatment options at Luxxery Boutique, or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Hakki, contact us today.

Medical Resources for a Mommy Makeover:

*ASPS: How much does a mommy makeover cost?